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Governing Board Selects Dr. Jeffrey P. Nasse as New PCC Chancellor
A group of diverse students and staff stand smiling at Northwest Campus


PCC Diversity and Justice Statement

Pima Community College welcomes, celebrates, and fosters the diversity and contributions of students, faculty, 工作人员和行政人员,并努力成为通过社会正义的承诺和行动促进机会的领导者.

We cherish the diversity of our community and, in addition to equal opportunity and educational access for all, we respect and are inclusive of all beliefs, values, abilities, personal experiences and preferences, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds, and worldviews. We believe our differences are our strength and a source of innovation, excellence, and competitiveness.

我们明白,21世纪社区学院的“社区”超越了地方政治界限, thus we aspire to build a community of responsible global citizens.
我们认为,多样性的最终目标是实现平等和社会正义. 此外,社会正义没有国界,是人类的一项基本权利.

Therefore we represent, recruit, retain, develop, 支持来自美国历史上被边缘化群体的学生和员工的潜力,以及来自世界任何地方的学生和员工,无论他们是什么种族, religion, disability, political views, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, social status and other characteristics.

PCC Equity and Access Statement

Pima Community College strives to empower every learner, every day, for every goal. 这一使命宣言包含了对公平、公平实践和获取的承诺.

Equity is different from equality. Equality is understood as the proportional distribution or parity of desirable outcomes across groups; while, equity refers to fairness and justice in the outcomes and processes. Whereas equality means providing the same to all, 公平意味着认识到我们并非都是从同一个地方开始的,必须承认并调整不平衡. The process is ongoing, 要求我们识别和克服由偏见或系统结构引起的有意和无意的障碍.

Access to education is done by committing resources to services, programs, and behaviors that support the opportunity for all students. 对群体的分配并不是剥夺或创造某些地区的特殊地位,而是由公平做法推动的,以确保实现消除准入障碍所需的一切. The College is committed to monitoring, using data, 并确保调整资源分配,以满足社区使用公平原则的持续变化.

皮马社区学院致力于通过包容性转型,在与学生合作的各个方面强调公平, employees, and the community. The AACU, American Association of Colleges and Universities, (2015)强调了为学生争取公平思想成果的具体行动.

See: (pages 25-26). The College’s efforts are aligned with all 10 of these recommended AACU strategies.

PCC Inclusion and Belonging Statement

As it has throughout its history, 皮马社区学院致力于创造一种积极对待多样性的氛围和文化, intersectional, 相互联系的团体是规范的,在那里可以促进更多的参与和学术成长. PCC重视个人为学院带来的独特观点和经验的丰富,并寻求创造一个独特观点可以共存和繁荣的环境. 人与人之间的差异可以产生这些独特的观点,包括, but are not limited to, age, disability, ethnicity, gender, nationality, race, color, indigeneity, socioeconomic status, language, educational history, educational goals, geography, and LGBTQ status. 学院意识到,包容是一个过程,我们可能会遇到体制上的阻力 . However, 我们仍然决心实现我们的首要目标:确保个人的尊严和真实性, and harmony among individuals.

包容和归属感是将多样性、公平和质量联系起来的综合努力. They are about transitioning diversity, equity, 从孤立的倡议到促进教育和社会卓越的包容. 皮马社区学院致力于为学院和更大社区的所有成员提供包容性体验,并通过以下方式创造归属感和联系感:

  • A focus on student intellectual and social development.
  • 有目的地开发和利用组织资源,以促进学生的学习.
  • 关注学习者为教育体验带来的文化差异,从而提升企业.
  • 一个热情的社区,致力于为学生和组织学习提供各种服务.
  • Modeling and expecting civility, respect, and professional behaviors from all employees, students, and representatives of the College.

Hispanic and Minority Serving Institution

Pima Community College is proud to be designated as an Hispanic-Serving Institution.

We are an active member of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU), 这是一个由400多所学院和大学组成的协会,致力于西班牙裔高等教育的成功.

Pronouns and Identifiers

代词很重要,因为它们让我们专业而准确地交流, they allow us to recognize cultural and individual identifiers, 是性别认同和我们如何尊重这些身份的重要组成部分. People may refer to traditional American English approaches to pronouns, but not all of our students, staff, nor community members solely identify with that approach. In order to promote respect for both individual and cultural identity, it is important for us to use an individual's correct corresponding pronouns. 我们不能仅仅依赖于名字,我们如何看待他们的性别,或者其他人的假设. The only way to know is to ask others, and for us to inform others, of our pronouns.

As noted on Pronouns.Org, traditionally American English male pronouns are he/him/his, traditionally American English female pronouns are she/her/hers. 但是当人们觉得传统代词不合适的时候,他们可能会选择其他的代词. These are known as gender neutral or gender inclusive pronouns. 性别包容性代词可能看起来很尴尬或不熟悉,有时回忆起一个喜欢的代词可能是一项挑战. 这就是为什么在各种类型的通信中包含代词标识符很重要的原因. The more it is used, the more comfortable it becomes.

Pronoun usage matters, it confirms that you respect the individual, their culture, and their identity. It promotes inclusion, supports a sense of belonging, and creates more equitable spaces for students and employees to work and learn.

Tips for Employees and Students

  • Share your pronouns. It breaks down the barriers and acknowledges that you respect the pronouns of others. Add your own pronouns to your email signature, your Zoom nametag, introductions, and include them in your syllabus/webpages.
  • Ask others their pronouns or how they would like to be addressed. Some people even prefer things such as doctor, professor, or similar identifiers. Asking is the first key to opening the door to understanding.
  • Avoid using binary gender pronouns in writing, try using non-binary terms. For example, use terms like “class”, “students”, or “everyone” will be more inclusive than “ladies and gentlemen”, “guys”, etc.













honored guests







Resources on Pronouns:

Accessibility and Neurodiversity Statement

皮马社区学院旨在提供一个包容的学习和工作环境,使我们社区的所有人受益. We celebrate neurodiversity among employees and students, recognizing the unique value each individual brings to our institution. 在个人生活经历之外,接触到不同的思维方式或处理世界的方式,有助于每个人以更真实、更有影响力的方式成长和理解我们的社区.

Pima Community College strives to intentionally create a welcoming, accessible, and inclusive learning space for employees and students alike. 每个人都有权利感到舒适,并被鼓励做自己,而不用担心被评判,在那里他们可以通过感受和体验他们对我们社区的独特贡献的价值而蓬勃发展.

Pima Community College is an equal opportunity, 平权行动雇主和教育机构致力于通过多样性实现卓越. 根据要求,将为残疾人士提供合理的便利. Every effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations in a timely manner. Community members and employees, please call 520.206.4539 or email [email protected]. PCC students should contact ADR at 520.206.6688 or email [email protected].

Additional Information and Resources

Calendar of Holidays and Religious Observances (Downloadable PDF)
Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Diversity and Inclusion Awards
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Planning Redesign
LGBTQIA+ Resources (TBD)
PCC Campus Prayer and Meditation Space Locations and Guidelines 
Religious Accommodations Requests
Resources and Contacts

Pima Community College is an equal opportunity, 平权行动雇主和教育机构致力于通过多样性实现卓越. 根据要求,将为残疾人士提供合理的便利. Every effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations in a timely manner. Community members and employees, please call 520.206.4539 or email [email protected]. PCC students should contact ADR at 520.206.6688 or email [email protected].

Diversity & Inclusion Award

The PCC Diversity and Inclusion Awards honors individuals, departments, 社区成员或组织为促进多元化和包容性所做的努力. The deadline to apply is Wednesday, April 24, 2024.

2024 DEI Award Nomination

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